if wielded hard enough any ritual tool can protect you #crystaltok #witchtips #crystals #spiritualtiktok #spirituality #witchtok #witchesoftiktok #witch
I was gonna line it with elk bones but I found this beaver hide in my shop #altar #witchtok #paganshop #norse #norsepagan #norsemythology #witch #witchshop #norsetiktok #norsewitch
sorry Baldr. These are all handmade and available on my website, link in bio. #loki #norse #norsepagan #norsemythology #norsepaganism #witchtok #pagantok #norsetok #heathen #witchcraft #norsewitch #norsetiktok
nailed it. These are at the link in my bio under new releases! #valentines #ValentinesDay #valentinesdaygift #jesus #jesuschrist #witch #jesusiscoming #pagantok #witchtok #norsetok
If a man gave me a bear skull I'd marry him immediately #witch #skull #bear #pagan #paganism #witchesoftiktok #witchtok #heathen #witchtips #witchcraft #taxidermy
imagine processing animal skulls in a mini skirt 😭 I wish I could #witchshop #feminineenergy #bluecollar #woodworking #taxidermy #womenwhowoodwork #woodwork
link in bio to get one! they're on oreamnos oddities.com #norse #witchtok #witchesoftiktok #oreamnosoddities #pagan #norsetok #paganism #bindrune #norsepagan
link to the book in bio! it's on oreamnosoddities.com #norsepagan #paganism #spell #ritual #norsepagan #norse #witchtok #heathen #norsemythology #norsetok #bindrune #rituales
some of my favorites to learn from! Sign up for my newsletter at the bottom of oreamnosoddities.com (link in bio) for a full FREE list of book recommendations! there's just too many to list! or screen shot these ones for later! #norsetok #norsepagan #BookTok #norse #norsewitch #norsemythology #norsepaganism #norsegods #bookrecommendations #ritual