Replying to @Metherethen61 Six Ways To Keep Trump From Becoming America’s First Dictator. #authorsofbooktok #defeatingtrump #dictatorship #2026midterms #2028elections #shockandawe #greenscreensticker
Trump And A Future Of Tyranny vs Hope: Is It Time To Leave? #authorsofbooktok #authoritarianism #trumpism #isittimetoleave #petehegseth #inspectorgeneral
Zelensky Bravely Showed The World That Trump The Emperor Has No Clothes: Everyone Should Do The Same. #authorsofbooktok #ukrainewar #trumpzelenskymeeting #trumpovaloffice
Don’t Be Shocked And Awed By Trump: Focusing On The Substance Not The Reality TV. #authorsofbooktok #trumpism #trumpinauguration #realitytv #chasethesquirrel #immigrationraid #birthrightcitizenship #shockandawe
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Peaceful Rage: If We Don’t Fight Trump, We’ll Get The Dictatorship We Deserve. #authorsofbooktok #federalcourts #trumpcourtcase #trumpdictatorship #fightfordeomcracy #southkoreaprotests
Mafia Boss Style International Relations: Trump’s Selling Out Of Ukraine Is Making Us Weaker. #authorsofbooktok #petehegseth #ukrainepeace #trumpism #putinism #mafiaboss #sellingout
Replying to @Penny Lucke Myers Three Things You Can Do To Help Beat Back Trump: 1. The Legal Fight 2. The Miderms 3. Social Media. #authorsofbooktok #autocoup #trumpism #takebackdemocracy #executiveorder #2026midterms #socialmedia
In Ukraine And Throughout The World, We Are in Trump’s Image: The Bad Guys. #authorsofbooktok #ukrainewar #trumpsideswithrussia #trumpukraine #munichsecurityconference #vancespeech #canada51ststate #thebadguys #trumpspeech
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Replying to @sabotenjou Is It Time To Leave? And Rule No. 1 In Fighting Emerging Dictatorships. #authorsofbooktok #defeatingtrump #dictatorships #protestmovements #isittimetoleaveyet #2026midterms
Why Trump’s Miscalculations With Ukraine Are Making The United States Irrelevant. #authorsofbooktok #trumpputin #ukrainewar #ukraineaid #zelenskyy #ovalofficemeeting #trumpukraine
Replying to @KazzaBazza Want To Stop Bully Trump? Boycott America And If You’re American, Stop Spending Money. #authorsofbooktok #canada51ststate #trumpism #boycottamerica #americaneconomy #swingvoters #priceofeggs
Tariffs, The Stock Market And The GDP: The Trump Economy Is A Terrible Economy. #authorsofbooktok #trumpeconomy #trumptariffs #atlantafed #gdpprojections #recession #trumprecession #bearmarket #lutnick #commercesecretary #greenscreensticker
Beyonce’s Album Of The Year Win, Grammy Voters, And Today’s Genre-Crossing Music.#authorsofbooktok #beyoncecowboycarter #beyoncegrammys #grammys2025 #grammyvoter #musicgenres
“You’re Not The President:” A Diminished Trump Manipulated By The Religious Right & A Rasputin, Elon Musk. #authorsofbooktok #elonmuskpressconference #rasputin #canada51ststate #trumpexecutiveorder