More details: 1. Doodling with your non-dominant hand works by keeping your brain focused while you study. Just grab a pen and doodle anything on paper as you read or listen—it helps you remember more. 2. Clenching your fist works by activating memory areas in your brain. Clench your dominant hand into a fist for about 45 seconds while learning something new to help lock it in. Then clench your opposite fist when recalling during exam. 3. Chewing gum works by increasing blood flow and focus. Chew gum while studying, and if possible, chew the same flavor during your exam to help trigger your memory.
It’s that time of year! All details below: 3 Easy Ways to Make Your Mac Faster 1. Clear Cache Finder > Cmd + Shift + G > Type ~/Library/Caches/ > Enter > Open folders and delete unnecessary files > Empty Trash 2. Minimize Login Apps Apple Menu () > System Settings > General > Login Items > Select unnecessary apps > Click “-” to remove 3. Delete Large Unused Files & Apps Apple Menu () > About This Mac > More Info > Storage Settings > Check “Documents” and “Applications” > Delete what you don’t need Enjoy your faster Mac🫶
It’s that time of year! Here’s the exact steps that you need to follow: 3 Easy Ways to Make Your Mac Faster 1️⃣ Clear Cache Finder > Cmd + Shift + G > Type ~/Library/Caches/ > Enter > Open folders and delete unnecessary files > Empty Trash 2️⃣ Minimize Login Apps Apple Menu () > System Settings > General > Login Items > Select unnecessary apps > Click “-” to remove 3️⃣ Delete Large Unused Files & Apps Apple Menu () > About This Mac > More Info > Storage Settings > Check “Documents” and “Applications” > Delete what you don’t need Enjoy your faster Mac!!
DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS 👇 1. Setup desktop wallpaper • Download from Pinterest or Canva (mines in Bio) or anywhere else. • Find in your Finder, right click, hit “Set Desktop Picture” 2. Widgets • Download VinylPod, widgetwall, flipclock • Add widgets by going on the app and in settings, or by right clicking on your desktop and hitting “Edit Widgets”. Then layout as you want • For Widgetwall, pick the widgets you want, place where you want on screen, then play with each widget’s settings to replace pics, or customize in other ways. Be creative! 3. Folders • Customize your folders by adding to your desktop • Right click on the folder, press “Get info” • Pick icons you want from Pinterest or create in Canva. Make sure to use TRANSPARENT BACKGROUND. • Copy the picture by right clicking • In “Get Info” window, paste the icon directly into the little folder pic. If it doesn’t change the icon yet, x out the screen, and re-right click, and go on Get Info again. Should work. And that’s it!!🫶
READ CAPTION! Steps below, please read disclaimer first: 1. You cannot change the logo of Apple apps. It won’t let you 2. Most icons are on Canva premium & making it transparent, isn’t. Find the logo on Google and use a background remover like to make it transparent STEPS: 1. In Canva, design (or pick) your logo and download it as a PNG with a transparent background. 2. Open the PNG in Preview, select all (Cmd+A), and copy it (Cmd+C). 3. In Finder, right‑click the app, choose Get Info, click the app icon, and paste (Cmd+V). 4. Remove the app from the Dock, then open Settings and drag the updated app back onto the Dock.
Listennnn Im NOT a morning person but I do this just the morning of exams to make sure everythinG I studied is engraved deeply in my brain Multiple online article say that if you would like to optimise your attention span and practice deep learning, then it is advised you to study between the hours of 4 am and 6 am FOR DEEP FOCUS. #studytok #finals