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This is for my ladies who know deep down they want MORE, but you’re currently settling. I see you. I was you. So I’m here to remind you….TIME IS PRECIOUS! Look how fast the last 5 years just flew right on by. Now picture yourself in the year 2030!🙉😩 Because that’s in another 5 years, and I need you to be sure this is the man you believe is worth that time. Is he serious about commitment? Is he planning a future WITH you, or are you just a place holder until he finds what he’s really looking for? Pay👏🏽 attention👏🏽 to👏🏽 his👏🏽 actions!👏🏽 Make sure that they’re aligning up with his words. But most importantly, talk to God about him. Because babbyyyy….when you ask Him to show you a sign, be prepared for SEVERAL😩😭 Wheeewwww! It’ll be clear as day, but it’s up to you to LEAVE!🫶🏽❤️ #datingadviceforwomen #datingadvice #datingstorytime
The phrase “Marry your best friend” is so popular, but what does it actually mean?🤔 I feel like it’s a loaded question, but one of my biggest takeaways after 4 years is knowing that some days LOVE AINT ENOUGH! There will be times when you really just don’t understand each other, or a compromise seems impossible, maybe you just don’t see eye to eye in a situation, or are struggling with communication. This is where you’ll NEED your FRIEND. Your bond with your partner has to be rooted in friendship first, because the way we all love and respect our friends speaks volumes! You wouldn’t disrespect, lie to, or try to hurt your best friend would you? I doubt it, because you have such a strong admiration for them. You not only love your best friend, but you RESPECT them. Same goes for your partner. Also, spending quality time together -as friends often do- is ESSENTIAL! Quality time that doesn’t have to involve intimacy! Well…at least not THAT kinda intimacy lol You can be intimate without even touching each other. As tempting as that is😂 I just want to remind you that some of the BEST communication will happen outside of the bedroom! Remember, the goal in marriage is to grow old together. So what will you two have left when your bodies don’t function the same? A FRIENDSHIP! That is what will carry you through til the very end❤️🙏🏽 #relationshipadvice #girltalk #datingadvice #girlsgirl #marriageadvice