Apple has since sold almost 3 BILLION iPhones and has over 1.5 billion active users. 😳 #iphone #apple #tech #technology #innovation #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship
Belgian anthropologist Jean-Pierre Dutilleux shows a mirror during first contact with Toulambi tribe in Papua New Guinea, 1976. #tech #technology #history
Today, more than 500 hours of new videos are uploaded to YouTube every minute. That equates to 30,000 hours every hour, and 720,000 hours every single day. 🤯 #tech #technology #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #business #nostalgia
Carl Sagan shows how ancient Greeks knew the earth was round using only sticks, eyes, feet, and brains nearly 2,200 years ago. #science #ancient #greece #technology #innovation #geography #history
The 30 years people don’t see before “overnight success” #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #business #billionaire #tech #technology #money #success #nvidia
Today, Meta is worth $1.65 TRILLION and makes $20 billion EVERY 44 days. 🤯 #markzuckerberg #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #tech #technology #business #money #nostalgia
It’s still crazy that the $2 TRILLION behemoth (Amazon) started out as an online bookstore. #jeffbezos #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #internet #tech #books #billionaire #money #nostalgia
Just shows there’s extreme levels to “The Best of The Best” for every sport, skill, industry. #chess #business #tech #billionaire #money #genius #magnus #magnuscarlsen
Today, DoorDash is valued at $82B and did over $10B in revenue last year. #paloalto #siliconvalley #sanfrancisco #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #tech #technology #vc #invest #investing
Old video from 2017, since then Apple has announced moving more manufacturing to India. #apple #tech #techtok #technology #iphone #india #manufacturing #engineering
“If you do everything that everyone else does in business, you’re going to lose… The only way to really get ahead is to be different.” #larryellison #billionaire #tech #techtok #technology #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #money #billionaire #success #motivation