Doctor Youn
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Doctor Youn  Trend danych (30 dni)
Doctor Youn Analiza statystyczna (30 dni)
Średnia wyświetleń View 7.06M Obserwujący / Wyświetlenia 0.03% -
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Średnia Recenzje 485 Opinie / Wyświetlenia 0.13% -
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Doctor Youn Gorące filmy
How a nose is reconstructed with a paramedian forehead flap! #foreheadflap #nosereconstruction Video credit: @Shayna Crimo
Does gender and skin color determine how good of a surgeon you are? The TRUTH. @Tucker Carlson Network #plasticsurgeon #surgeon #residencymatch
3 Simple Tips to Thicken Your Hair! #thinninghair #thinninghairsolution video credit: @Chelsea
Would you change the color of your eyes? It’s called keratopigmentation and it’s performed by @Dr. Brian Boxer Wachler, MD . #keratopigmentation #eyecolorchange #eyecolor
We are doomed. #tiktok #plasticsurgeon IB: @Flick & Gabby barista sis’s
There are VERY few things that warrant calling a surgeon out of the OR when a patient is having surgery. Thank you to @Dr. Elisabeth Potter for sharing this story. #healthinsurance #unitedhealthcare #diepflap #breastreconstruction
Why is her face getting redder and redder? It’s the Asian flush and here’s why it happens! Video credit: @jony #asianflush #alcohol
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