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LeendaDong  Trend danych (30 dni)
LeendaDong Analiza statystyczna (30 dni)
Średnia wyświetleń View 14.46M Obserwujący / Wyświetlenia -0.17% -
Średnia polubień 155.79K Lubi / Wyświetlenia 14.49% -
Średnia Recenzje 435 Opinie / Wyświetlenia 0.04% -
Średni udział 24.2K Dzielić / Wyświetlenia 2.04%
LeendaDong Gorące filmy
Entering the new year be like 😅 #stitch @Ashley Nocera #memestiktok #fyp #foryou #gym
When your bestie becomes a gf 🥲 IB: @Maddy 🤣 #girlfriend #besti
#greenscreen thank you @ThaiNguyenSocial for the beautiful dress! 🥰 #aodai #aodaivietnam #vietnamese #oscars
Which hair color you like? @Alluri Beauty 😏 #wigcap #hairwigsforwomen #caphair #alluribeauty
Dear 2025…❤️ Written by: Leenda Directed by: Leenda /Stro Cinematography @Directed by Stro Edited by: Leenda Inspired by: The Dash a Poem by Linda Ellis #2025 #shortfilms #thedash #poem
“VISION BOARD” – A 1-Minute Short Film There are days when I want to give up everything I’ve worker hard for. But then I remember my younger self dreamed big. Can’t let your younger self version down. This world is for you.❤️ Written, Directed, Edited by Leenda D. Younger Leenda: @Reagan To and Juli To VFX: @Rikognition (Kenson) #visionboard
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