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DanceswithDobermans  Trend danych (30 dni)
DanceswithDobermans Analiza statystyczna (30 dni)
Średnia wyświetleń View 3.47M Obserwujący / Wyświetlenia 0.31% -
Średnia polubień 2.44K Lubi / Wyświetlenia 19.37% -
Średnia Recenzje 46 Opinie / Wyświetlenia 0.06% -
Średni udział 204 Dzielić / Wyświetlenia 1.43%
DanceswithDobermans Gorące filmy
#ad Replying to @Karen Granderson The company heard all of your suggestions and upgraded the viral spin mop to be even better! #viralspinmop #CleanTok #homemusthaves
I wanted to make an educational video about DCM since it affects so many Dobermans. Most pet people have no idea until their dog starts having issues, and by then, it’s too late. Early detection is crucial to extend your dogs life and that is done through yearly echos & holters. #dobermans #dilatedcardiomyopathy #earlydetection #doghealthtips
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