If we are really in the season finale of TikTok i wanted to thank all of you for your love over the past four years. TikTok has helped open a lot of doors and allowed me to continue to pursue my dreams. If this is goodbye just want to leave you with one last message, please never let anyone take your passion away from you, no dream is unachievable, and stereotypes are meant to be broken. Wanted to recreate my first viral video on here, love you all. If you wish to continue to follow my Instagram is linked in my bio. #d#dancerscomeinallsizesd#dancet#tiktokd#dancer
#ad @ladygaga and Parris Goebel is a match made in heaven so you know I have to jump on this! Show off your Abracadabra dance with #MastercardGagaContest and submit your entry on priceless.com/Gaga for an opportunity to be featured in the Abracadabra (Fan Version) music video with @ladygaga. No Purch. Nec. Open to U.S. & Canada excl. QC, legal age of majority. Ends 2/9/25. Rules: priceless.com/Gaga #MastercardPartner
This is the best I got, @tate mcrae is on another level. A one legged back bend in not in my cards #dancerscomeinallsizes #dancer #dancerlife #dance #tatemcrae