Hannah Berner is receiving major backlash after her interview with Megan The Stallion at the Vanity Fair Oscar Party, but there’s more! 👀🫣 #hannahberner #paigedesorbo #gigglysquad #summerhouse #kylecooke #lukegulbranson #loverboy #amandabatula #megtheestallion #vanityfair #theoscars #vanityfairoscarparty #graceomalley #disgraceful #whitneycummimgs #lindsayhubbard #bravotv #realitytv #greenscreen
It’s so sad seeing them now and realizing that despite all their success they are still completely broken over this on a daily basis 👀💔 #catelynnbaltierra #tylerbaltierra #catelynnandtyler #teenmom #mtv #mtvteenmom #teenmomog #teenmomthenextchapter #16andpregnant #realitytv #adoptionjourney #openadoption #chelseahouska #coledeboer #kaillowry #jenellelevans #macibookout #amberportwoood #greenscreen
Am I late to this trend? 👀💔⚡️ #vanderpumprules #tomsandoval #arianamadix #vpr #pumprules #bravotv #favoritehorrormovie #scandoval #sandovalsaliar #raquelleviss #scheanashay #lalakent #givethemlala #katiemaloney #tomschwartz #somethingabouther
TW: Miscarriage - thought this was an important share because she describes the experience so perfectly. From feeling lonely and empty, to the heartbreak of seeing others pregnancy announcements, and the hopelessness of clinging to the medical logic that it wasn’t viable. Sadly, 1 in 4 women understand these feelings all too well. I give her a lot of credit for getting on camera and sharing. I hope this helps someone out there feel less alone, even for a moment. 👼🤍 #viallfiles #nataliejoy #nickviall #viall #miscarriageawareness #pregnacyloss #rainbowbaby #childloss #1in4 #1in4women #miscarriagesurvivor #ttc #bereavedmother #infertility #infantloss #ttccommunity #ttcafterloss #miscarriage #rainbowbabymom
Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively appeared on Saturday Night Live 50th Anniversary Special 👀😬 #SNL50 #snl #saturdaynightlive #ryanreynolds #blakelively #justinbaldoni #itendswithus #taylorswift #celebrity #celebritynews #entertainment #entertainmentnews #amypoehler #tinafey #comedyskit #hollywood #colleenhoover #snlsketch #oldhollywood #kesha
When you know you know, I guess 😬🫣 #hannahberner #paigedesorbo #gigglysquad #megtheestallion #vanityfair #theoscars #vanityfairoscarparty #bravotv #realitytv #summerhouse
We FINALLY know what the Harry Hamlin rumor was that caused the 2015 dispute between Lisa Rinna and Kim Richards 😅💎 #rhobh #realhousewives #realhousewivesofbeverlyhills #kimrichards #lisarinna #harryhamlin #kathygriffin #kylerichards #bravotv #realitytv #letsnottalkaboutthehusband #bravo #beverlyhills #kathyhilton
Replying to @JSP2015 Sadly it appears she is still conflicted 🥺 #catelynnbaltierra #tylerbaltierra #teenmom #teenmomog #teenmomthenextchapter #amberportwoood #realitytv #mtv #chelseahouska #macibookout #farrahabraham #catelynnandtyler #kaillowry #16andpregnant
Justin Baldoni’s Lawyer just responded to the SNL bit 👀😬 #itendswithus #justinbaldoni #bryanfreedman #blakelively #ryanreynolds #nicepool #snl50 #entertainmentnews #snl50thanniversary #saturdaynightlive
Interesting to look back on Michelle Trachtenberg’s time in the industry, who has sadly passed away at the age of 39 🤯💔 #michelletrachtenberg #harrietthespy #buffy #gossipgirl #childstar #childactor #nickelodeon #rosieodonnell #sarahmichellegellar #90skids #90stvshows #celebritynews #celebrity #actress #hollywood #quietonset #childstar #josswhedon #buffythevampireslayer #hollywood #hollywoodstory
Tamra Judge appears to be quitting Real Housewives of Orange County via Story Post during the filming of the Season 19 cast trip to New Orleans 👀🍊 #rhoc #rhocbravo #bravotv #realhousewives #realhousewivesoforangecounty #shannonbeador #teddimellencamp #twotsinapod #andycohen #vickigunvlason #gretchenrossi #realhiusewives #heatherdubrow #mardigras #neworleans #nola #realitytv #casttrip #bravotvaddict
Massive Boos for Taylor Swift at the Super Bowl 👀😬 #taylorswift #SuperBowl #traviskelce #blakelively #ryanreynolds #itendswithus #tswift #eagles #chiefs #entertainmentnews
13 Year Old Danielle Bregoli went on Dr.Phil in 2016 and decided we would NEVER forget about her, and she was right! 😅😂 #daniellebregoli #bhadbhabie #cashmeoutside #alabamabarker #thekardashians #travisbarker #kourtneykardashian #drphil #troubledteenindustry #tyga #popculture #teatok #dramatok #entertainmentnews #entertainment #rapmusic #disstrack #hollywood
I will be laughing about Amanda’s response for the forseeable future ☂️🤣 #summerhouse #amandabatula #rihanna #kylecooke #bravotv #summerhousebravo #realitytv #asaprocky #entertainmentnews #lindsayhubbard #weswilson #carlradke #dearmedia #rihannanavy #bravotvaddict #greenscreen
Is Jenelle back tracking because she’s worried about a Tell All featuring THE LAND? 😅👀 #jenellelevans #teenmom #teenmom2 #davideason #mtv #idontcareaboutkieffer #youresofunny #maryssaeason #jaceevans #tmz #entertainmentnews #realitytv #barbaraevans