the video i took after my neighboor laughed at me...😭posted the blooper video yesterday✨ (im roleplaying a foreigner pick me girl in korea) #fyp #satire #foreignerinkorea #pickme #pickmegirl
#ad my results after just 30 days with Seapuri scalp serum 🥹🤚🏻 link in my biooo ✨#fyp #haircare #hairlosstreatment #seapuri #scalpserum #hairoiling #hairtok #alopecia #alopeciaareata #hairgrowth #hairregrowth #hairloss
send me your crazy pick me girl experience on IG and i will try to make a video out of it 😌☝🏻thanks to melanie for her story💞 #fyp #satire #pickme #pickmegirl #roleplay #foreignerinkorea
#ad Here is the long awaited UPDATE 💞 Stay til the end for a surprise!!✨🥹 | Paid Partnership #fyp #haircare #alopecia #alopeciaareata #hairloss #hairlossupdate #hairlosstreatment #haircare #seapuri #scalpserum #hairgrowth #hairregrowth #hairoiling #hairtok #hairtransform
Lisa aka Sua found the man of her dreams!!🥰🥰 (im roleplaying as a foreign pick me girl who decided to go to singles inferno) #fyp #satire #singlesinferno #pickme #pickmegirl #foreignerinkorea #roleplay
Must have for international friends/couples!!💞 link im bio !! Code: ALENA5 (5% off) | Anzeige @Timekettleglobal #fyp #timekettle #timekettlewt2edge #translatorearbuds #translationdevice #multilingual
and it grows bigger every day 😀 lets see if the the golden milk can save my ahh again #fyp #alopecia #hairloss #alopeciaareata #haircare #goldenmilk #hairgrowth #baldspot