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MorgsDolls  Trend danych (30 dni)
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MorgsDolls Gorące filmy
Replying to @rainbow dash's bf You should always do whatever works best for you! Here is the method to my madness though lol 🤍 • #ooak #doll #monsterhigh #customdoll #reroot #faceup #tutorial #DIY #ooakdoll #oneofakind #dollart #dollartist #dollrepaint #dollreroot #tips #art #artist #custom #customize #ooakdollart
Making of our custom Miku doll! 🩵❄️💙 Outfit by @divachickemma • #ooak #doll #monsterhigh #hatsunemiku #miku #mikuhatsune #customdoll #reroot #faceup #DIY #dollartist #dollrepaint #custom #art #snowmiku
Making Kogal Gyaru Spectra! 💜✨ Designed by @makiniart Outfit made by @divachickemma #monsterhigh #ooak #gyaru #kogalgyaru #doll #dolls #dollcollector #customdoll #reroot #faceup #DIY #dollartist #dollrepaint #custom #spectra #spectravondergeist
Thank you to @MattelCreations & Monster High for sending iver this watch party box along with a sneak peak at the upcoming Monster High doll! How exciting! 🖤 • #monsterhigh #mattel #mattelcreations #mattelcreationsrevealed #monsterhighdolls #doll #dolls #dollcollector #unboxing
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