# rower
Top 50 gorących filmów(rower)
like what are you tired from when you’re sleeping in til 10? #d1athlete #studentathlete #rowing #rower #rowingtiktok #collegerowing #collegeathlete #studentathletes #d1 #rowingcheck #umiami #miami #athlete #universityofmiami
Zbiór najlepszych akcji 🚲💨 #rower #mtb #mtbstunt #kamilstunts
‼️ZOSTAŁEM OKRADZIONY‼️ Pomóżcie! 🙏 #polska #poznan #rower #zlodziej
just a joke, don’t come at me #umiami #d1athlete #collegeathlete #athlete #rowing #rowingtiktok #collegerowing #universityofmiami #dininghall #d1 #rower
Prawdziwy wyścig z czasem 🥵⏰ #rower #bike #mtb #downhill #cerroabajo #redbull #dodaciskrzyyydel
Ile razy to oglądaliście? Tak 🙂↔️🔂 🚴: @George Ntavoutian #rower #bike #bmx #loop #redbull #dodaciskrzyyydel
Colibro tremix 6w1 🚲 Może to idealny prezent na Wielkanoc? 🐰 #rowerek #rowerdladziecka #rower #wielkanoc #dladzieci #colibro #macierzyństwo #mamanatiktoku #mamaiklara #Adoteumhabitinho
Spirits are high #umn #minnesota #row #rowing #rower #erg #erging #d1 #d1athlete #studentathlete #fyp
🌟 Эндуристы и милые эндуро девушки! 🌟 Кто из вас собирается на гонку Enduro4seasons? 🏍️💨 Давайте вспомним, как это было на гонке Драпежная Ваверка! 🎥✨ Видео история одного бревна, которое стало настоящим испытанием для всех. Было круто! 🤗🔥 #Enduro4Seasons #Эндуро #ДрапежнаяВаверка #МотоПриключения #ЭндуроДевушки #МотоГонки #ПриключенияНаМото #БревноChallenge #эндуро #эндуромото #эндуромотоциклы #мотоспорт #мотоприключения #мотоэнтузиасты #мотокросс #внедорожныебайки #мотоэкстрим #приключениянабайке #эндуроистория #мотофестиваль #мотоэкспедиция #байкеры #мотожизнь #enduro #enduroriding #endurobikes #Motorsport #motorcycleadventures #bikeenthusiasts #motocross #offroadbikes #motorcycleextreme #adventuresonwheels #enduroracing #motorcyclefestival #bikeexpedition #bikerslife #motolife#вшлеме #шлем #lavr #motul #всевэндуро #эндуро #endurobaza #эндурогонка #эндуромото #эндуроспорт #эндуроавантюра #эндуроадвенчур #эндуроэкстрим #мото #мотопутешествия #мотокросс #мотожизнь #мотосезон #мотоцикл #моторы #мотосообщество #bike #poland #enduromtb #cycling #downhill #mountains #mtblife #motocross #rower #nature #freeride #dh #ktm #bikelife #motorcycle #mountainbike #forest #ride
#rower #rowing #rowingtiktok #rowingmachine #erg #crossfit #orangetheoryfitness
Ale każdemu przyznajemy 10 punktów za stylówkę 🙂↔️💅 #rower #bike #fail #funny #challenge #redbull #dodaciskrzyyydel
Piesek chyba też chciał spróbować swoich sił 🤭🐶🚲 #rower #bike #bmx #rail #challenge #redbull #dodaciskrzyyydel
Cowboy Butter Ingredients ½ cup (1 stick / 113 g) unsalted butter, softened 1 tablespoon coarse Dijon Mustard 1 tablespoon fresh chives, chopped 1 tablespoon fresh parsley, chopped 2 teaspoons fresh thyme, 2 teaspoons garlic, minced 1 teaspoon lemon juice ½ teaspoon paprika ¼ teaspoon kosher salt ⅛ teaspoon pepper ⅛ teaspoon cayenne pepper ⅛ teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes Instructions In a medium bowl, add the softened butter, dijon mustard, chives, parsley, thyme, garlic, lemon juice, paprika, salt, pepper, cayenne, and red pepper flakes. Mix together until combined. This will make about ⅔ cup of butter. (You could also mix the ingredients in a food processor.) To make a compound butter: Scoop the cowboy butter onto a piece of plastic wrap. Roll the butter into a log shape, pressing and shaping as you go until the butter is completely wrapped in plastic. Twist the ends of the plastic wrap together and refrigerate until firm (2 hours up to overnight). To make a butter dip: Melt the mixture in the microwave in 20-second increments, stirring in between, until fully melted. Store in the refrigerator in an airtight container for up to 5 days. **from www.iamhomesteader.com Hasselback Potatoes 3 or 4 medium-size potatoes, russet 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 tablespoons melted butter sea salt to taste 1. Preheat the oven to 390°F 2. Wash the potatoes and pat them dry. Cut the potatoes in half lengthwise, then make thin, evenly spaced slices along the width of each potato, being careful not to cut all the way through. (I place chopsticks on either side of the potato to avoid cutting through.) 3. Place the potatoes in a large bowl and coat them in the olive oil and melted butter, making sure to get in between the slices. Season well with salt. 4. Place the potatoes flat side down in a cast-iron pan. 5. Cook over medium heat until the oil and butter are foaming, then put in the oven for about 45 to 60 minutes, or until the potatoes are golden brown and crispy on the edges. The cooking time may vary based on the size of your potatoes. #hasselbackpotatoes #potato #baked #bakedpotato #parm #chives #slice#chives#kitchenhenHacks #skills #surgeon#skillsrytiktok#surgerytiktok#hand #steak #butter #homemade #athlete #shortordercook #cheflife #latenight #dinner #DinnerIdeas #EasyRecipe #quickrecipes #delicious #devour #swimmer #rower #lacrosse #lax #practice #sports #highschool #highschoolsports #alacarte #request #duo #teamwork #trick #cowboy #butterfly
Lindsay made sure of no escape on this 2k erg test yesterday when the last stretch came up and my head went down, gritting for another gear. Little did I know this rowing coach just appeared at the last stretch and told me: “Don’t give up…keep going”. Lonely place the erg. Especially those last few meters. The few little words is it all it takes for the mind to wake up again in the moment. A second decision to harness the smallest units of energy is what it looks like sometimes. It’s a solitary conversation with the work, but what difference it makes for someone to plant a seed in your head to tell you there is more. To keep on going. In my head is a battle. The reminders of the latter days of training are ringing in my head giving me excuses and questioning each second I decide to push on. You have to be able to focus that mind. It’s always looking for escapes. The second to second moments on the erg or in the work that turns your face up are very raw. It’s a conversation with yourself. You choose to go on or you don’t and that’s another story in itself that you will have to reflect on at some point. You have to visit it again and again and again. No one can do that work for you. I say the tough job of a teacher is being able to spot the talent, the little spark that whispers and know how to nurture it and let it flourish into something new. Lindsay gave me something to think about that session. Forever grateful to be able to train another day and to build great moments. The space of training is a conversation that many connect to for how raw it is. #rowing #athletes #teacher #coach #row #rowerg #test #conversation #hardwork #keepgoing #dontquit #rower #mindsetmotivation #coachcarter #lindsay #concept2 #keeppushing
🤣😄😝😅🤔 #Эндуро #ЭндуроГонки #Мотоциклы #МотоСпорт #МотоПриключения #МотоЖизнь #ЭндуроТур #МотоТехника #ДорогиБезГраниц #МотоКультура #Enduro #EnduroRacing #Motorcycles #MotoSport #MotoAdventure #BikeLife #EnduroTour #MotorcycleTech #RoadsWithoutBorders #MotoCulture #вшлеме #шлем #lavr #motul #всевэндуро #эндуро #endurobaza #эндурогонка #эндуромото #эндуроспорт #эндуроавантюра #эндуроадвенчур #эндуродичь эндуро #мотоциклы #гонки #дичь2024 #эндуристы #мото #зима #подготовка #приключения #мотожизнь #эндуроэкстрим #мото #мотопутешествия #мотокросс #мотожизнь #мотосезон #мотоцикл #моторы #мотосообщество #bike #poland #enduromtb #cycling #downhill #mountains #mtblife #motocross #rower #nature #freeride #dh #ktm #bikelife #motorcycle #mountainbike #forest #ride
Tym razem policzyliśmy za Was 🔢🤏 (nie ma za co 😉) 🚲: @Bora Altıntaş #rower #bike #mtb #downhill #stairs #redbull #dodaciskrzyyydel
#rower #dziendobry #dystans #smiesznefilmiki #usmiechnijsię #funnytiktok #Meme @izzabela55555duża dawka humoru
#ojciecmateusz #ksiadz #sandomierz #tvp #rower #videoviral #dc #dlaciebie #miasto #tiktoker #mirekstabinski
To właśnie czeka zawodników na najtrudniejszych zawodach zjazdowych na świecie 🤯🚴 Oglądaj Red Bull Hardline na żywo w Red Bull TV 📺 - link do transmisji znajdziesz w bio ☝️ @Godziek Brothers #rower #bike #mtb #downhill #redbullhardline #hardline #dodaciskrzyyydel
This is the moment a man rescued from almost certain death at sea saw his wife again and dropped to his knees in tears. Lithuanian adventurer Aurimas Mockus, survived a terrifying ordeal in the open ocean. After being caught in Cyclone Alfred, Mockus was rescued off the coast of Australia on March 3, 2024, after enduring three days of brutal conditions. Starting his journey back in October 2024, Mockus was heading from San Diego to Brisbane. But disaster struck when his boat was flipped over repeatedly by the massive waves of Cyclone Alfred, leaving him stranded about 740 km off the coast of Mackay, Australia. He waited three long days for rescue by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority and with the help of the Royal Australian Navy and Defense force. When Mockus finally stepped off the rescue boat in Sydney, his reunion with his wife Sonata was emotional. In a powerful moment captured by photographers, he dropped to his knees at her feet, overwhelmed with relief after weeks of uncertainty and danger. After everything he’d been through, the sight of her was the only thing that truly mattered. (Aurimas Mockus via Storyful) #humankind #rescue #cyclone #emergency #rower #waterrescue
Ale nuta wleciała 💪 #budda 👊 #rower #mtb
przejechać przez most ❌ przejechać na moście ✅ 🚴♂️: @Danny Macaskill #rower #bike #mtb #bridge #redbull #dodaciskrzyyydel
Lepiej późno niż wcale #mtb #dlaciebie #mtbghostwheel #viral #rel #fyp #biking #funny #bike #dc #rower #bro #she #ona
You might be a great boat mover, but imagine how much better you’d be if your erg was faster. After 18 years coaching high-performance, school, club, and masters rowers, one truth stands out: yes, you can beat someone with a better erg score—but improving YOUR erg will always make YOU faster on the water. The erg doesn’t lie. If it’s telling you you’re slower than you should be, then you are slower on the water than you could be. If you’re a busy rower whose erg score isn’t where it needs to be, message me “coaching” to learn how I can help you unlock your full potential. #onlinerowingcoach #rowing #rowingcoach #rowingtips #rower #rowingmyths #watersports #watersportstips #rowinglife #rowingteam #rowingmotivation #rowingtechique #rowingworkout #rowingtraining #worldrowing #sportstraining #trainingcoach #onlinetraining #mentalconditioning #rowingispassion
Isn’t she a beaut 🤩 #umn #minnesota #row #rowing #rower #erg #erging #d1 #d1athlete #studentathlete #fyp #hudson
Co do milimetra 😮💨👌 #rower #bike #bmx #backflip #challenge #redbull #dodaciskrzyyydel
Training together, fun together and suffer together 💦🤗 📸 @stanfordrowing #rower #aviron #rowing #rowingmotivation #rowingclub #rowingmachine #rowinglife #Fitness #rowingboat #rowingtiktok #athlete #rowingrelated #indoorrowing #morningtraining #motivation #rowingsport #rowingexercises #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #sports #morningroutine
Ciepełko, nie odchodź już pls! Niedzielne pierwsze 50km w tym roku 👼 #rower #trend #paperplanes #cycling
shortest ban ever… so ready for round two🥳🙌 #collegeathlete #rowing #collegerowing #rowingtiktok #universityofmiami #d1athlete #tiktokban #tiktokisback #d1rowing #studentathlete #studentathletes #umiami #rowers #rower #erging
Determination 👌 📸 @luke_tarrant #rower #aviron #rowing #rowingmotivation #rowingclub #rowingmachine #rowinglife #Fitness #rowingboat #rowingtiktok #athlete #rowingrelated #indoorrowing #morningtraining #motivation #rowingsport #rowingexercises #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #sports #morningroutine #paralympics
9am Friday ✨ 📸 @belgian_sharks #rower #aviron #rowing #rowingmotivation #rowingclub #rowingmachine #rowinglife #Fitness #rowingboat #rowingtiktok #athlete #rowingrelated #indoorrowing #morningtraining #motivation #rowingsport #rowingexercises #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #sports #morningroutine
Często się wywracasz? 😉 #wypadki #zabawne #mtbstunt #mtb #rower
Smoothhhh 🫠. #rower #rowing #aviron #rowingmotivation #rowingclub #rowingmachine #rowinglife #rowingboat #athlete #morningtraining
#viralllllll #wieś #viralllllll #dlaciebie #rower #fyp #dc #wiosna #viralllllll #dlaciebie
Legendy mówią, że jak zrobisz ostatni poziom to jesteś o krok bliżej do przejechania się po pociągu 🤫🚂 Podejmij wyzwanie Red Bull Zero Wymówek i rób z nami formę, a przy okazji zgarniaj nagrody za systematyczność ✅ Link do wyzwania znajdziesz w bio ☝️ Partnerami kampanii są 🤝 Garmin Polska, 4F, DPD Polska, Abus. @Dawid Godziek #workout #trening #training #bike #rower #redbull #dodaciskrzyyydel
#ad Filippi and Empacher are two of the top rowing boat manufacturers and both have their own strengths. However, some rowers and teams prefer Filippi over Empacher for several reasons: 1. Customization & Innovation – Filippi offers a high level of customization for athletes, adjusting hull shapes, rigging, and materials to fit different crew styles. They frequently experiment with new materials and construction methods. 2. Lighter & Stiffer Construction – Filippi boats are often perceived as lighter and stiffer than Empachers, which can contribute to a more responsive feel in the water, particularly in sprint racing. 3. Better for Smaller or Technical Rowers – Some rowers feel that Filippi hulls, particularly in smaller boats (1x, 2x, 2-), suit technical and lighter-weight rowers better, as they allow for a more connected and efficient stroke. 4. Adjustability & Ergonomics – Filippi boats have more adjustable components, such as foot stretchers, seats, and riggers, making it easier for teams to fine-tune the setup for individual rowers. 5. Design & Aesthetics – Some rowers simply prefer the sleek, modern design of Filippi boats. The blue Filippi branding is iconic, and some find their finish more appealing compared to the traditional yellow of Empacher.#rowingtok #fyp #rowtok #rowcore #aviron #rowrowrowyourboat #rower #fillipi #empacher #rowingboat #clean #cold #aura
#Fasting for #Ramadan as a D-I #athlete takes a different kind of #strength 👏 (via @Sarahghazaz🇲🇦) #rower #rowing
Living the dream 🤩 📸 @cecece13 @luise.bachmann @sarahamarriott @stanfordwcrew #rower #aviron #rowing #rowingmotivation #rowingclub #rowingmachine #rowinglife #Fitness #rowingboat #rowingtiktok #athlete #rowingrelated #indoorrowing #morningtraining #motivation #rowingsport #rowingexercises #morningroutine #teamworkmakesthedreamwork
I je wygrywasz 😎🏆 Zobacz, jak Szymon Godziek zdobywa 🥇- oglądaj powtórkę Natural Selection Tour Bike już 5 marca o 21:00 w Red Bull TV 📺 Link w bio 🙌 @Godziek Brothers #rower #bike #mtb #slopestyle #winner #redbull #dodaciskrzyyydel
Swiss pair 🇨🇭🧀#swiss #🇨🇭 #rowing #rowcore #rowingtok #rowrowrowyourboat #aviron #rower #rowingfyp #rowingfyp #fypsounds #virał #rowingboat #sweeping #worldchampionship #worldchamps #rowingworld #worldrowingchampionships #bideoviral #GB #gbathlete #english #greatbritain #lotteryfunded #rowingworkout #ergo
Gold fever. #rowingtok #rowtok #fyp #steveredgrave #goldmedal #henlyroyalregatta #HRR #rowcore #viral_video #aviron #rowrowrowyourboat #ergo #british #rowers #row #goldfever #rower #ergotest #2ktest #viralditiktok #empacher #fillipi #wintech #wintec
Practice makes perfect 🤩 📸 @britishrowing #rower #aviron #rowing #rowingmotivation #rowingclub #rowingmachine #rowinglife #Fitness #rowingboat #rowingtiktok #athlete #rowingrelated #indoorrowing #morningtraining #motivation #rowingsport #rowingexercises #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #sports #morningroutine #parasport #britishrowing
#dc #dlaciebie #dccccccc #owca #motywacja #rower #bieganie #runing #siłka #pola #dcccccc
Time on the slide is time wasted right!??? #rowing #crew #rush #3seat #rowtok #rower