# digitalplanner
Top 50 gorących filmów(digitalplanner)
iPad note taking 💜 I’m using Kilonotes app on iPad with apple pencil ✍️ The full tutorial video is up on my YT channel - How to take notes on your iPad ✏️ #ipad #ipadnotes #ipadnotetaking #applepencil #digitalnotes #digitalnotetaking #ipadapps #digitalplanner #digitalplanning #notetaking #studynotes #aestheticnotes #kilonotes #studytok #appleipad #notesapp
Step by step how to add cute emojis to your iPad in iPadOS/iOS 18.1 ✏️😍🎀💞✨😎✍🏻🥰 #digitalplanning #digitalnotes #digitalnotetaking #ipadtips #scribble #applepenciltips #goodnotes #notetaking #digitalplanner #ipadnotes #ipadnotetaking #studynotes #studynotetaking #studynotesideas #ipados17 #ipados18 #ios18
How to have perfect handwriting on your iPad 🤭 I’m using my digital planner in GoodNotes 6 app 💕 #ipad #applepencil #ipadnotes #ipadnotetaking #digitalnotes #digitalnotetaking #notetaking #studynotes #goodnotes #goodnotesplanner #digitalplanner #appleipad #digitalplanning #ipadtips #ipadtutorial #studytok
Total game changer when it comes to studying! ✏️😍📓💞✨😎✍🏻🥰 #digitalplanning #digitalnotes #digitalnotetaking #ipadtips #scribble #applepenciltips #goodnotes #notetaking #digitalplanner #ipadnotes #ipadnotetaking #studynotes #studynotetaking #studynotesideas #goodnotes5 #goodnotes6 #ipados17
Lifting objects from images>>> ✏️😍📓💞✨😎✍🏻🥰 #digitalplanning #digitalnotes #digitalnotetaking #ipadtips #scribble #applepenciltips #goodnotes #notetaking #digitalplanner #ipadnotes #ipadnotetaking #studynotes #studynotetaking #studynotesideas #goodnotes5 #goodnotes6 #ipados17
5 MUST KNOW Apple Calendar Tips🗓️✨ #applecalendar #googlecalendar #digitalplanner #ipad #productivity #ipadplanning #apple
Setting up your digital planner for 2025 💕 I always use the time between Christmas and NYE to set up my new planner for the coming year & figured we could do it together since there are so many new iPad girlies who got their iPads for Christmas! If you’re brand new first go through my So you got an iPad now what playlist to get your iPad all setup and then we can setup our planners for the new year! Next episode how to add planner to Goodnotes! #ipad #digitalplanner #ipadgirlie #digitalplanning101 #ipadplanner #apple #DigitalPlanning #MustHaveApps #iPadAccessories
Yes this destroyed my S pen 😱 but I continue to use a paperfeel screen protector because it’s easy to replace the tips and I think it’s worth it for the neater handwriting ✍️ I also just bought some metal tips and can’t wait to try them out! I’m using Penly app on my Samsung galaxy tab S9+ 💕 #samsunggalaxy #notetaking #studytok #digitalnotes #digitalnotetaking #galaxytab #spen #samsungtablet #androidapps #penlyapp #samsungtips #galaxytabs9 #notesapp #digitalplanner #digitalplanning #studynotes
Come take notes with me on my iPad ✏️😍📓💞✨😎✍🏻🥰 #digitalplanning #digitalnotes #digitalnotetaking #ipadtips #scribble #applepenciltips #goodnotes #notetaking #digitalplanner #ipadnotes #ipadnotetaking #studynotes #studynotetaking #studynotesideas #goodnotes5 #goodnotes6 #ipados17 #anatomynotes #anatomylesson
It’s the quickest and easiest way to add any kind of images to your iPad notes ✏️🩷 I am using my pink pages notebook in Goodnotes6 app 😍📓💞✨😎✍🏻🥰 #digitalplanning #digitalnotes #digitalnotetaking #ipadtips #scribble #applepenciltips #goodnotes #notetaking #digitalplanner #ipadnotes #ipadnotetaking #studynotes #studynotetaking #studynotesideas #goodnotes5 #goodnotes6 #ipados17 #anatomynotes
Here’s how to use your iPad to stay organized in 2025: digital planning!✨ For the year ahead, I’ll be using my 2025 digital planner in Goodnotes 6 (@Goodnotes App) 💕 🏷️ #2025digitalplanner #2025 #digitalplanner #digitalplanning #ipadplanning #ipadplanner #digitalnotetaking #goodnotes #goodnotesplanner #plannnerspread #weeklyspread #dailyspread #digitalstickers #planwithme #plannerpeace #ipadaesthetic #studygram #studymotivation #studynotes
A new year hates to see me coming 👩🏻💻💻🎧 #ipad #digitalplanner #notionapp #notion #2025planner
Come take notes with me on pink mode templates ✏️😍📓💞✨😎✍🏻🥰 #digitalplanning #digitalnotes #digitalnotetaking #ipadtips #scribble #applepenciltips #goodnotes #notetaking #digitalplanner #ipadnotes #ipadnotetaking #studynotes #studynotetaking #studynotesideas #goodnotes5 #goodnotes6 #ipados17 #anatomynotes
iPad level up ⬆️ Come learn more iPad tips with me 🤗 Check out my other videos for my favorite iPad apps, accessories & my digital planner 💕 What are your iPad must haves? 💬 #ipad #ipadpro #appleipad #ipadtips #applepencil #ipadapps #apps #ipadaesthetic #homescreen #ipadnotes #digitalnotes #digitalplanner #digitalplanning #ipaddrawing #ipadart #ipadaccessories #ipadnotetaking
pov: you take your 2025 planning very seriously 📝💗 Starting January in my new 2025 digital planner using Goodnotes 6 (@goodnotes.app), and it’s already giving me all the motivation I need to stay organized, focused, and inspired! Have you planned yours yet? 🏷️ #planwithme #digitalplanner #digitalplanning #ipadplanning #ipadplanner #digitalnotetaking #goodnotes #goodnotesplanner #plannnerspread #weeklyspread #dailyspread #digitalstickers #planwithme #plannerpeace #ipadaesthetic #studygram #studymotivation #studynotes #january2025
Digital note taking 💕 Find my iPad accessories & Zugu iPad case in my amazon favorites ✨ I’m using my digital planner 🔗 in my profile in goodnotes app ✍️ #ipad #applepencil #appleipad #ipadpro #ipadaccessories #ipadaesthetic #digitalnotes #ipadnotes #notetaking #digitalplanner #digitalplanning #goodnotes #goodnotesplanner #studytok #ipadplanner #digitalnotetaking @ZUGU
How to add images to your iPad notes ✍️💕 I’m using my digital notebook (from my shop) in GoodNotes app, on my iPad Pro with the Apple Pencil ✨ Come learn more iPad tips with me 🤗 #ipad #ipadnotes #ipadnotetaking #applepencil #digitalnotes #digitalnotetaking #digitalplanner #digitalplanning #notetaking #studynotes #goodnotes #appleipad #ipadtips #ipadtutorial #aestheticnotes #studytok
iPad note taking dark mode 💕 I’m using Zinnia app on my iPad pro with the apple pencil pro ✍️ Come learn more iPad tips with me 🤗 #ipad #ipadnotes #ipadnotetaking #applepencil #digitalnotes #digitalnotetaking #ipadapps #digitalplanner #digitalplanning #notetaking #studynotes #ipadpro #aestheticnotes #zinniajournal #zinniaplanner #notesapp #studytok @Zinnia Journal & Planner
Come take notes with me on pink mode templates ✏️😍📓💞✨😎✍🏻🥰 #digitalplanning #digitalnotes #digitalnotetaking #ipadtips #scribble #applepenciltips #goodnotes #notetaking #digitalplanner #ipadnotes #ipadnotetaking #studynotes #studynotetaking #studynotesideas #goodnotes5 #goodnotes6 #ipados17 #anatomynotes
Digital journal with me 💕 I’m using Penly app on my Samsung galaxy tab S9+ along with the Rymek Knewkey Bluetooth keyboard ✨ After a tough day, I always feel better after journaling ☕️ #penlyapp #samsunggalaxy #galaxytabs9 #samsungtablet #androidtablet #androidapps #notesapp #notetaking #digitalnotes #digitalnotetaking #digitaljournal #digitaljournaling #digitalplanner #digitalplanning #keyboard #keyboardasmr #journalwithme
please go to my bi0 to find the digital bullet journal 💛 TikTok won’t let me keep up with all of your comments and DMs! #digitalbulletjournal #digitalbujo #2025bulletjournal #2024bulletjournal #digitalplanner #digitalplanning #ipadplanner #ipadbulletjournal #2025digitalplanner #digitalplanningcommunity #goodnotes #goodnotesapp #goodnotesplanning #goodnotescommunity #ipadplanner #ipadbulletjournal #goodnotes @Canva @Goodnotes App @apple
#ad iPad note taking dark mode 🖤 I’m using my digital notebook in noteful app on my iPad Pro. The screen protector, Apple Pencil grip and screen cleaner spray are from Paperlike 💕 #ipad #ipadnotes #ipadnotetaking #applepencil #digitalnotes #digitalnotetaking #digitalplanner #digitalplanning #notetaking #studynotes #aestheticnotes #studytok #appleipad #PaperlikePartner #paperlike #ipadaccessories @Paperlike
Is Samsung tablet as good as iPad? 🤔 I’m using my Samsung galaxy tab S9 and I love it 💕 Some apps shown: penly (note taking/digital planner), moon reader (reading), penup, 8bit painter ✨ Come learn more Samsung tips with me 🤗 #samsunggalaxy #penlyapp #androidapps #galaxytabs9 #samsungtips #spen #samsungtablet #digitalnotes #digitalnotetaking #digitalplanner #digitalplanning #galaxytab #android #androidtips #apps #studytok #samsung
#ad Get ready with me to take digital notes 💕 I’m using Paperlike screen protector & spray on my iPad Pro ✨ You can find all my iPad accessories and my digital notebook 🔗 in my b!o 💖 The note taking app is goodnotes ✍️ #ipad #ipadnotes #ipadnotetaking #applepencil #digitalnotes #digitalnotetaking #digitalplanner #digitalplanning #notetaking #studynotes #appleipad #paperlikepartner #paperlike #ipadaccessories #ipadtips #goodnotes @Paperlike #studytok
🧡💙Bluey Valentines Vibes 💙🧡 HOW CUTE ARE THESE?! Ugh I can’t!! 🐾 Short Square Original Template - link in bio 🔗 • • • #bluey #blueynails #digitalart #digitalplanner #nailart #nailplanner #naildesigns #nailsoftiktok#procreatelsnails #procreate #characternails
Level up before 2025 with Notion (ofc)! - 🖇️ the link to the planner is in my bio! make 2025 your most productive and organized year yet! - im using my all-in-one life planner in this video. it is a thoughtfully crafted system designed to help you track every aspect of your life, including tasks, goals, habits, journaling, reflections, and more <3 - #notion #notiontips #notiontemplates #digitalplanner #fyp #productivity #2025 #newyear #aesthetic #newyearnewme #newyearplanning
study w/ me ⋆˙⟡ — i took a short break from posting but i’m back with more vlogs <3 @xTiles #studytok #studyvlog #study #quietlife #aesthetic #desksetup #productive #studymotivation #2025goals #newyearnewme #goalsetting #xtilesplanner #xtiles #notionalternative #goalsettingtips #digitalplanner #visionboard #newyearsresolution #newyearreset
Enter your digital planning era ✏️✨ #digitalplanner #goodnotes #2025planner #ipad #ipadnotes
Reasons why you need the iPad mini! It’s my favorite iPad and I’ll always have this as my go-to! 🩷 What’s your favorite iPad and why? Let me know in the comments! ⬇️ @apple #ipadmini6 #ipadmini7 #ipadmini #ipad #ipadplanner #kindleapp #applepencil #applepencil2 #productivity #organization #digitalplanning #digitalplanner #digitalnotes
#ad Trying new Apple Pencil tips 🤔 I’m using Paperlike screen protector on my iPad Pro 💕 You can find all my iPad accessories and digital planner 🔗 in my b!o #ipad #ipadnotes #ipadnotetaking #applepencil #digitalnotes #digitalnotetaking #digitalplanner #digitalplanning #notetaking #studynotes #applepen #appleipad #PaperlikePartner #paperlike #ipadaccessories #ipadtips @Paperlike
Planning and preparing 😮💨📲 #digitalplanner #footballcoach #teamreview #tiktokfootballvideos #footballdrills
a mini guide to getting started with iPad digital planning 📖🫶🏻 #goodnotes #digitalplanning #digitalplanner #ipadplanner #2025planner #goodnotesplanner
Replying to @🪩Allison🎀 BOWS 🎀💝❤️ This might not be what you had in mind if you wanted a full set design plan, but I needed to post this video anyways! 😅 I LOVE this method of importing an image (whenever it decides to work properly 🙃) since it cuts out the need for you to erase around all the other images when it’s imported to your procreate project. It’s also great if you have good quality images of your nail charms, since it’ll be the EXACT same one you plan on using when you create the set irl. If you want a full hand bow nail art design, let me know in the comments with more specifics! Shape/length/colors/etc • • • #procreate #nailart #naildesign #nailartplanner #digitalplanner #digitalproducts #digitalplanner ##bownails##nailcharms##nailhacks
a ONE MINUTE TUTORIAL on how to install fonts and convert your handwriting into a font on the iPad! 🤎📖✏️ hope this helps 🫶🏻 #goodnotes #ipad #handwriting #font #ipadtips #digitalplanner #journaling
#ad my iPad accessories 💕 The pen tips make this sound because of my paperlike screen protector 🤭 I’ve never tried using them without a screen protector. If you’ve done it, has it ever scratched your iPad? 💬 #ipad #ipadaccessories #ipadtips #ipadpro #ipadnotes #ipadnotetaking #ipadair #paperlike #paperlikepartner #digitalnotes #digitalplanner #applepen #applepencil #ipaddrawing #ipadart @Paperlike #appleipad
Plan With Me in my digital planner for December! #digitalplanner #digitalplanning #goodnotesplanner #goodnotes #ipadplanner #digitalstickers #christmas #planwithme #plannertok
Journal entry 1 - Living Intentionally ✍🏽 you can find the template and get xtiles in my bio. #2025goals #newyearnewme #goalsetting #xtilesplanner #xtiles #notionalternative #goals #digitalplanner #productivitytips #newyearsresolution #planning #xtilespartner
#ad Everything I use for iPad notetaking 💕 You can find all my iPad accessories 🔗 in my b!o ✨ Come learn more iPad tips with me 🤗 #ipad #ipadnotes #ipadnotetaking #applepencil #digitalnotes #digitalnotetaking #digitalplanner #digitalplanning #notetaking #studynotes #studytok #appleipad #PaperlikePartner #paperlike #ipadaccessories #ipadtips @Paperlike
Trying out metal Samsung S pen tips 💕 I really like the sound they make! I’m using Penly android app on my galaxy tab S9+ for digital note taking & digital planning ✍️ Come learn more Samsung tips with me 🤗 #samsunggalaxy #penlyapp #androidapps #galaxytabs9 #samsungtips #spen #samsungtablet #digitalnotes #digitalnotetaking #digitalplanner #digitalplanning #notetaking #studytok #studynotes #notesapp #galaxytab
Plan & journal with me on my Samsung tablet 💕 I’m using Penly app on Samsung galaxy tab S9+ with S pen ✍️ Full video is up on my YT channel - I share my daily & monthly digital planner and a little life update in my digital journal 💔 #penlyapp #digitalplanner #digitalplanning #androidapps #samsungtablet #galaxytab #galaxytabs9 #samsunggalaxy #notesapp #digitalnotes #digitalnotetaking #digitaljournal #digitaljournaling #planwithme #journalwithme #apps
#ad Using xTiles to plan the new year⭐️ #2025goals, #newyearnewme, #goalsetting, #xtilesplanner, #xtiles, #notionalternative, #goalsettingtips, #digitalplanner, #visionboard, #newyearsresolution, #newyearreset
Note taking app you need to try 💕✍️ Penly app now has pen stroke stabilisation to help make your writing smoother ✏️ Try using around 30% for handwriting ✨ This is the android app I use for digital notes & digital planning on my Samsung galaxy tab S9+ along with the S pen 💕 Come learn more Samsung tablet tips with me 🤗 #samsunggalaxy #penlyapp #androidapps #galaxytabs9 #samsungtips #spen #samsungtablet #digitalnotes #digitalnotetaking #digitalplanner #digitalplanning #notetaking #studynotes #notesapp #galaxytab #studytok #digitaljournal
How to start digital planning ✍️📱I’m using Penly app on Samsung galaxy tab S9+ with S pen 💕 The planners included in Penly are undated & reusable so I wrote in the dates myself. Just tap on any daily, weekly or monthly page to jump to it. Will you be using a digital planner in 2025? 💭 #penlyapp #samsungtablet #galaxytabs9 #galaxytab #spen #samsunggalaxy #androidtablet #androidapps #apps #samsungtips #digitalplanner #digitalplanning #digitalnotes #digitalnotetaking #digitaljournal #dailyplanner #2025planner
Excited to start the new year 🎀🥰 #2025goals #newyearnewme #goalsetting #xtilesplanner #xtiles #notionalternative #goalsettingtips #digitalplanner #visionboard #newyearresolution #newyearreset #studytok
GoodNotes 6 Tips For Beginners 🤯✏️ 💕Planner: 2024 Serenity Planner from Sereneplanners.com (link in bio) 🌸App: Goodnotes 6 📱iPad Air 6, 13 inch, 2024 #2024digitalplanner #goodnotesplanner #goodnotestutorial #ipadplanner #thatgirlaesthetic #digitalplanner #goodnotes #ipadtutorial #ipadnotes #ipadtok #ipadtips #goodnoteshack #ipad #applepencil #ipadnotetaking #digitalplanningcommunity #digitalnotes #productivity #studymotivation #studynotes #notetaking #handwriting #ipadaesthetic
Samsung tablet aesthetic 💕 How to customize your homescreen app icons ✨ however it doesn’t work for all apps. Come learn more Samsung tips with me 🤗 #samsung #samsunggalaxy #samsungtablet #galaxytabs9 #galaxytab #samsungtips #android #androidtips #androidtablet #homescreen #homescreenaesthetic #androidapps #digitalplanner #digitalnotes #digitalnotetaking #digitalplanning
เปิดเล่ม 2025 Planner มีอะไรให้เขียนบ้าง👀✏️ ทำคลิปเต็มลงบ้านแดงแล้วน้า พิกัดหรือดูรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติมจิ้มลิงก์ที่ bio ได้เลยค่า (Link in bio) #digitalplanner2025 #digitalplanner #planner #planner2025 #ipad #memopad #papertemplate #digitalproducts #digitalstickers #stickers #studygram #productivity #goodnotes #notability
let’s go digital 📲 #digitalplanner #footballcoach #worksmart #2025 #letsgo #footballcoaching
Replying to @ad.827 Apple Pencil tips for writing and converting to a font in your digital planner! 2025 Digital Planner, font, and difital stickers available in my etsy! AllieMarieDigital on etsy ✨ App is @Goodnotes App iPad Pro 11” and Apple Pencil Pro • • #applepencil #scribble #digitalnotes #applepenciltips #ipad #ipadpro #ipadmini #digitalplanner #digitalplanning #applepencilpro #digitalnotetaking #goodnotes #tutorial #apple #howto #studytips
All my keyboards 💕 I use these with my iPad and Samsung galaxy tab 💕 Find all my iPad accessories 🔗 in my b!o in my Amazon favorites ✨ I’m using my digital planner in GoodNotes app ✍️ Which keyboard is your favorite? 💬 #keyboards #keyboard #keyboardasmr #ipadaccessories #bluetoothkeyboard #ipadnotes #ipadnotetaking #digitalplanner #digitalplanning #ipadplanner #amazon #amazonfind #ipad #appleipad #digitalnotes #digitalnotetaking